ny constitution fresh squeezed 96
Ballot Questions

NYS has limited referendum – only certain kinds of questions can be sent to all of the state’s voters on the ballot. These 3 categories are:

    • Proposed amendments to the state constitution (which we’re tracking here)
    • Bond acts – the state constitution requires that if the state wants to take on debt passed a certain $ amount, it has explain the purpose of the debt and get voter approval
    • Constitutional Conventions – the state constitution also requires that every 20 years, voters are asked if they want to bring together a convention to propose revisions (that was on the ballot in 2017, and will be back on in 2037!)
We’re tracking every time the voters weighed in on any ballot question.

Check out the lists below – click on a ballot question to see how we voted on it – where we could get the data, we mapped how counties voted!

And come back soon for even more NY Constitution fresh-squeezed! We’re in the process of breaking down each ballot question by policy issue and getting data to help understand what have been the big issues in state constitutional history.

Every Ballot Question Ever Sent to NYS Voters

Want to filter or search NY's ballot questions? Click here!

Want to filter or search NY's ballot questions? Click here!