Job Description
The NYC Comptroller oversees the city’s financial transactions, making sure that government raises and spends money appropriately. He or she must audit and investigate how the city handles its finances, including how city agencies and programs manage contracts, receipts, and expenditures of city funds.
The Comptroller also invests the city’s money (including pension funds) in funds, bonds, and stocks, and advises NYC’s other officials about the city’s financial conditions, and recommends changes to fiscal policy and financial transactions.
Powers and Responsibilities
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Collects and audits NYC's finances and spending, including:
- All city agencies and programs.
- Payrolls, vouchers, and warrants.
- Contracts.
- Receipts.
- Other official accounts.
Reviews and makes city spending decisions
- Determines whether city funds are being used efficiently to reach the desired goals of each agency.
- Settles and adjusts all claims made in favor of or against the city.
- Oversees changes to the city’s budget and fiscal condition.
Handles NYC's financial accounts and systems
- Establishes a uniform system of accounting and reporting for all city agencies.
- Reviews agency accounts for compliance with the established system.
Manages the city’s 5 pension funds, with over $175 billion in combined assets
- Is the custodian of 5 separate city-held pension funds:
- Gives investment advice and reports to the pension funds’ boards of directors.
A Few Facts
Official Title
Comptroller of the City of New York
Office Website
Branch of NYC Government
Scope of Office
Annual Salary
Term Length
4 years
Term Limits
2 terms, full, consecutive, can run again after a term away
Now in Office
Scott Stringer
Last Year in Office (for Now)
Candidates for NYC Comptroller
NYC's Elected Offices
Content Sources: Sources NYC Comptroller’s Pension Funds Overview Team Members Involved in the Production of this Page (listed alphabetically): Xiomara Damour, Rachael Fauss, Rosie Moss, Talia Werber
Photo Sources:
Team Members Involved in the Production of this Page: