
Job Description

The Mayor is NYC’s chief executive officer, responsible for running city government and its operations effectively and with integrity.

The NYC Mayor establishes and maintains citywide policies, together with the other branches of city government. The Mayor oversees many departments of NYC government, and is the boss of the city’s workforce of over 360,000 employees.


Powers and Responsibilities

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Manages the Office of the Mayor

  • Creates and abolishes bureaus and divisions within the Mayor’s Office.
  • Appoints deputy mayors, who oversee major offices within the executive branch of New York City government.


Oversees most of NYC government's operations and divisions

  • Appoints the heads of all city departments, often with input from the NYC Council.
  • Manages city agencies, including the police, fire, education, and health departments.
  • Administers city services and public property.
  • Declares states of emergency when necessary, in all of NYC or in specific regions.
  • Serves as a board member of several city organizations, including public libraries and museums within New York City.


Works with the NYC Council to handle policy, legislation, and the city budget

  • Signs bills into law, or vetoes them, after they’ve been passed by the Council.
  • Proposes annual city budgets to the NYC Council, and reworks it with members’ input for their approval.


Employs NYC's workforce of 360,000+ employees

  • Negotiates contracts with unions.
  • Enters into contracts with companies, nonprofits, public-private partnerships, and other contractors through agency action.


A Few Facts

Official Title
Mayor of the City of New York

Office Website

Branch of NYC Government

Scope of Office

Annual Salary

Term Length
4 years

Term Limits
2 terms, full, consecutive, can run again after a term away

Now in Office
Bill de Blasio

Last Year in Office (for Now)

Candidates for NYC Mayor

NYC's Elected Offices


Content Sources:

Photo Sources:

Team Members Involved in the Production of this Page:

  • Rachael Fauss
  • Rosalie Moss
  • Rose Asaf
  • Talia Werber