Meet the Team!

Liza Bukingolts

Research Assistant

Liza helped CJ research the role of judges in NY, and the history of the NY state constitution and the history of changes to it. We thank her for her thoughtful approach, and speedy and methodical research!


  • Completing a BA in Economics and Political Science at Barnard College


To pursue macroeconomics and the judiciary branch of the United States, and would love to sit on the bench


Lifting weights, reading biographies of great American presidents, and finding good restaurants with friends


  • Interned for Senator Al Franken where she researched U.S. policy regarding including terrorism, and handled constituent casework

  • Was also a Research Assistant University of Minnesota Plant Genomics Lab

  • Tutors at the Columbia Tutoring and Learning Research Center, teaching analytical and quantitative thinking skills to high school students



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