City Council District 36

About the District

NYC Council District 36 is located in Brooklyn, and its council member represents these neighborhoods:

Bedford Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, Weeksville

About the Office

Job Description

The NYC Council, aka the city’s legislature, is made up of 51 council members – 1 representative for every district.

Council members work together to propose and vote on laws focused on city matters, check city agencies (run by the mayor) to make sure they are serving New Yorkers fairly and according to law, and distribute city money throughout NYC and in their individual districts.


Powers and Responsibilities

click for more details!

Represents a district in the NYC Council, and works collaboratively with the 50 other council members

  • Elects, with other council members, the Speaker of the NYC Council.
    • The Speaker presides over the City Council, hires central staff, and plays a large role in deciding which proposed laws can come to a vote and how the City Council makes decisions.
  • Sits on, and possibly chairs, policy committees of the NYC Council:
    • The NYC Council is divided into different committees to address policy issues – like health, education, and public safety – through legislation and reviewing the work of city agencies.
    • Each council member can sit on multiple committees – the Speaker determines who leads and sits on the various committees.
  • Sits on, and possibly chairs, caucuses of the NYC Council:
    • The NYC Council also is divided into different caucuses, to represent different ethnic, political, and other groups of New Yorkers throughout the city and within the Council.


Creates city policy through legislation, oversight of city agencies, and more

  • Writes, proposes, and votes on new local NYC laws and changes to existing city laws.
  • Influences land use decisions within his or her district, and votes on land use decisions within the city.
  • Monitors programs and services of city government and agencies (through various committees and subcommittees), to make sure city services are delivered fairly and according to law.
  • Investigates any matters related to the property, affairs, and government of the city.
  • Sits on a Borough Board with the borough president and community board leaders to develop land use and budget plans for the borough.


Distributes city money through the NYC budgeting process and discretionary funding in his or her districts

  • Works with the Mayor’s office to approve the city budget.
  • Gives money to organizations and programs within the district through the discretionary funding process.
    • Can opt in to participatory budgeting, where residents of the district help decide how to spend discretionary funds.
  • Holds caucuses, to address the needs of specific ethnic, political, and other communities within city government.



A Few Facts

Official Title
Member of the New York City Council

Office Website

Branch of NYC Government

Scope of Office
City Council District

Annual Salary
$148,500 for most council members, and $164,500 for the Council Speaker

Term Length
4 years

Term Limits
2 terms, full, consecutive, can run again after a term away

Now in Office
Robert E. Cornegy Jr.

Last Year in Office (for Now)

More Elected Offices

All the City Council Districts

Everything on the Ballot


Content Sources:

NYC Charter

  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 50, Section 1138

Photo Sources:

Team Members Involved in the Production of this Page:

  • Rachael Fauss
  • Rosalie Moss
  • Rose Asaf
  • Talia Werber
  • Xiomara Damour